My friends as well as I went to a strip club last night to see some charming women working the art of self beauty. One of the women happened to be a wonderful neighbor of mine as well as the two of us all prefer supporting her! The night the two of us were there had a circus night theme as well as the women went wild. During the show I went to the vehicle to grab more money as well as noticed abruptly the lights went out as well as the temperature raised. The A/C went out! Without lights as well as A/C it apparently made it difficult for the women to continue their show. The manager began to panic telling the women that everything will work out as well as it will all be ok. Five to several hours later my neighbor comes up with an plan as well as goes to the manager as well as suggests picking up portable lights as well as candles. The manager responds with an gleeful yep. So my neighbor as well as I headed to the store to choice up the largest as well as brightest lights while they opened the door to cool the place down. The manager lowered the entrance cover charge for the inconvenience. For the time being the two of us made everything work as well as the show went on! The following afternoon the manager got ahold of the local Heating in addition to A/C supplier as well as scheduled an appointment to have the A/C checked out. It was a super easy fix, however not cheap! Indeed there was something wrong with the Air Conditioner as well as Heater system, it needed to be replaced, but unfortunately, replacing the A/C cost more than just the cost of the A/C, it also cost him company for a while.