I used to drive school bus, which is not a job I would recommend for anyone who does not have a lot of patience. As a teacher, the first thing they tell you is to never turn your back on a room full of students. As a bus driver, you always have your back to a bus full of students. It’s not just twenty children, but seventy-two, or as much as eighty-four if you have one of the newest extended buses. The worst thing about driving a school bus, is the HVAC system on those things. It can really hot during the summer, in our area. Our school buses did not have air conditioning. We had a heating unit that would burn your legs if you didn’t keep it turned down. The heating seldom did anything for the kids in the back of the bus. Summer however, has everyone complaining. It gets so hot in the front of the bus that you can barely breathe. The fans just blow the heat around. Our bus owner had planned on getting a couple busses with air conditioning, just for those of us who took kids to school all year round. Since I drove for special needs, I felt it was a necessity, but he kept putting off the purchase. Finally some of the parents got on the bandwagon and demanded bussing with air conditioning for their children. Unfortunately, the air conditioned bus didn’t get bought until the year I retired. I would have love to be able to drive a bus that had air conditioning. Somebody else will be benefiting from my complaints.