My girlfriend is genuinely great. She’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met and honestly, I don’t see how anybody could not prefer her. Well, the other weekend she planned this good gathering for a bunch of friends of ours. All of us were all having a good time listening to tunes and hanging out. All of us even were playing cards and just having a good time overall. Well, when all of us heard this loud noise that was genuinely horrible to listen to, all of us learned that my girlfriend’s ex boyfriend was out there banging up her outdoor undefined compressor with a sledge hammer! This caused the undefined method to fail entirely. I ran out there and told him to get out of here, and he threatened me with the sledge hammer. I told him to argument prefer a man! So he dropped his sledge hammer and I dashed at him and knocked him over. All of us were throwing fists and tumbling on the ground in a ferocious fight, then my girlfriend was screaming for us to stop. Somebody called the cops and the ex boyfriend tried to get out of there, however the cops clogged his vehicle in so nobody could leave. He ended up going to jail in handcuffs. All of us let them know what happened and there was the sledge hammer as evidence which had the ex boyfriend’s fingerprints all over it. They seen the destruction to the undefined equipment and everything. She got a restraining order and sued him for the destructions to her cooling system. I got off with a warning. I genuinely shouldn’t have fought him although I was protecting my girl!