I have a summer home in what I consider to be a region with the most beautiful climate in all the world. To be honest, I have not travelled the entire world to necessarily be able to say that, but I could scarcely believe that anywhere else could be more perfect. The weather is mild and breezy and the sun is warm and delightful. Harsh weather is all but unknown. If I could stay away all the year, I really would, because my main home is in a less ideal climate. But alas, it is where my friends and family and job is. Spring out there is pleasant enough, but the fall and winter can be quite cold. While I barely needed to invest in any HVAC in my summer home, a good quality furnace in my main home is all but a must. Oh don’t get me wrong, snow days can be nice, especially as the principal of a school, which I am. However, they’re only really nice when you get to enjoy them from the comfort of your own couch, sipping a cup of tea in front of the fire, and enjoying the warmth of a good furnace. Even before I return from my summer home every year, my trusted HVAC company has already seen to my furnace, and assured me that everything is in working order for the fall and winter. I wish that I could live in my summer home all year long, but at least I don’t have to freeze in my main home during the winter, because I have an excellent HVAC system to keep me comfortable.