For the past month or so I have really been enjoying going to the library. As a kid in my town, it was never a cool thing to hang out at the library. The library was where all of the nerds would hang out, the cool kids were supposed to hang out at the skatepark or at the community swimming pool. Now that i am a full grown adult, I have finally been able to open my eyes to the major perks of libraries. For starters, the free air conditioning is amazing! The a/c unit in our little apartment is very old and weak, so whenever I am working from home on tuesdays and thursdays I was always finding myself getting super overheated. Now that I am hitting up the library instead, I am able to have full access to their high speed wifi, along with some top notch air conditioning to keep me super cooled off even on the most hot and humid of summer days! One of the coolest things that happened to me happened last week when I was doing some work. There was a nice younger man who sat next to me, and I noticed he was doing some research on a/c units on his computer. I asked him if he was looking to buy a new air conditioning unit to make some smalltalk, and it turned out he was an HVAC service repair tech. After talking for over an hour, he offered to come over and patch up my a/c unit, free of charge! With the luck I have been having I will stick to hanging out in the library.