Burning your finger on the space heater is a lesson learned the hard way!

Kids can bring a ton of change into your life. I never really had plans for when all of us would have kids – we just assumed it would happen when it was meant to be. Two years after we got married though, I found out that I was pregnant! Just like that, the family planning began. We were so excited! Fast forward six years, and now we have two little kids. I would never change a thing! Still, I must admit it is quite different now. See, the two of us have to be truly creative with dates now. Our children have broken or otherwise ruined everything nice that all of us have ever owned! It is not that our children are more rough than others, but they’re very accident-prone. They bump into stuff, break stuff, and worse. I have had to make some changes to what all of us will allow in the home now, too. For one, the furnace is not really able to keep up with how large our home is, so all of us used to supplement with electric heat. With these electric space heating systems scattered throughout our home for several years, they particularly did a good job for warming the house as needed. Sadly, that changed when my daughter was about four years old and touched one of the space heaters. She burned several of her little fingers, and while it was not a bad burn, it was a serious warning for us to keep the house free of hazards! I told my husband about it, so we decided that all of us would not use space heating systems anymore. Sure, it’s colder in the house now – but that’s nothing an extra layer of clothes can’t fix.


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