When the Fur Flies, Change the Air Filter

The fur flies at all times in my home.

That sounds a lot worse than it actually is. I’m actually a pretty calm guy. I mean the literal fur flies at my house. My wife and daughter decided we would be a dog and cat foster home. So, we have a multitude of animals that we are actively looking to place in good homes. They come and they go but the fur and dander remain. In fact, if I am not very proactive the fur will actually choke out my HVAC. Initially, we attempted to keep all the animals downstairs in the basement. But, this was sort of a logistical nightmare in a number of ways. So now, we have designated a part of the home just for the dogs and cats. I have to stay on top of all the fur. My wife and daughter do a terrific job of cleaning up after all the animals. However, it is up to me to be in charge of keeping the HVAC free of thick fur. The best air filters on the market is what I use. Yet, I purchase them by the case. And, I change the air filter every single week. Most homes change their air filter on a monthly basis. I don’t have that luxury. If I allowed the fur in the air to accumulate for an entire month, it would be real HVAC trouble. Air flow is fundamental to any heating and air system running properly. If the air filter is clogged with debris, the air flow is greatly compromised. So, my wife and daughter will keep helping dogs and cats while I keep changing the air filter.

furnace filter