It’s an Air Duct Calamity

Some have chosen to pigeon hole me as some sort of germ freak. While I am certainly into being clean and germ free, I don’t think it rises to the level of full on freak yet. I see stories all the time about poor souls who can barely live any kind of life because they are so afraid of catching something or other. To some degree, I can kind of feel their pain. My own home is cleaned 3 or 4 times per week. And by cleaned I mean scrubbed. However, I don’t venture to the attic all that often because I just don’t really think about the attic. We really don’t store much up there. I think there is an old window air conditioner up there and that’s about it. So, when I went up there the other week, I was flummoxed beyond belief. I found mice droppings all over the place and in particular by the air ducts. It was all I could do to get myself down the attic stairs in one piece. I got the exterminator out right away to get rid of the rodents. But, I was super concerned about how badly my ductwork had been affected. I placed a call to our local heating and air company. They were kind enough to put me at ease and made an appointment for a duct cleaning crew to come out and see to the ducts. That crew was great. I was astonished by the amount of debris they were pulling out of the ductwork. I guess it makes sense considering that the ducts may have never been cleaned before. That ordeal was a germ freak out for me for sure. But wouldn’t be for just about anybody?

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