My bad child is only getting worse with his mental condition

I recognize so awful for my bad nephew who suffers from dire psychological concerns, and he unfortunately had to be emitted to the mental hospital… I often will go with family to visit him.

He legitimately has his great as well as terrible afternoons, and usually he is doing alright so long as he takes his meds, however on the other afternoons he will be bouncing off the walls, however when things get particularly terrible enjoy that, he will have to be strapped down on his bed until he is able to reuse from his episode.

I always recognize terrible when that is the case. I always tell the workers there to make sure the temperature control settings are just right. I know that he always appreciated a great amount of a/c, so I never want to see him in the mental hospital suffering. I wish more than anything that all of us could keep him out of such a facility, however his mental condition seems to only be getting worse. I wish I could even take care of him in my own household, so he could always have great access to plenty of a/c as well as all, however I don’t know I could even handle him with the way he is these afternoons. I appreciate him more than anything, as well as it particularly breaks my heart that things continue to get worse for him. I know he will be okay so long as the staff members treat him with respect as well as allow him to be comfortable with enough a/c. I always make sure to ask him about it, as well as the staff members to make sure they are not treating him terrible in the place. I know he doesn’t enjoy being there, however I don’t know what else all of us can do for him.

