If you’re bored, you’re boring, and learn Heating, Ventilation, and A/C

The longer this quarantine goes on, the more I have been having flashbacks to my high university economics class.

Let myself and others be particular, in unique I keep thinking back to my grumpy aged educator’s favorite catch phrase.

He would regularly tell us, “if you’re bored, you’re boring.” At the time, this tough appreciate wisdom was completely lost on me, and the two of us all generally thought he was a large dick. In hindsight, as an adult, I think that he had wonderful intentions and provided us really wonderful advice. This week, I am proud to say that I am never bored. Honestly, I don’t really understand how you can be bored, unless you have l acquired everything there is to learn, then personally, I realized that I don’t know much about my indoor air temperature control equipment and wanted to change that. When this entire quarantine began, I started developing a modern hobby in the air quality control field. It’s super self-explanatory to learn any modern skill these days, because you can find videos online for anything..… Even central heating and cooling repair. I went on YouTube and started finding Heating, Ventilation, and A/C experts who hosted their own channels on DIY gas furnace and air conditioning repair, air quality control equipment diagnosis, and self-explanatory energy saving tips for residential homes. Since I started studying from the experts in the air quality control field, I have filled my days with giant and small undertakings to improve our Heating, Ventilation, and A/C energy efficiency. I am completely entertained everyday, and especially when our energy bill comes in the mail. My spouse keeps joking that I am going to be an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C worker when this is all said and done. The funny thing is, I might.


Geo heat pump