Not enough A/C made for a brutal summer experience

It was the most unbearable summertime I had ever been through, at least that I can remember, and I’m from a tropical area… I had moved up north a good way, but was still in the Deep South.

That first summertime was honestly torturous.

Temperatures reached the triple digits every afternoon for quite a few weeks. I was told that was normal for that particular area. It wouldn’t be too big of an issue, if my cooling machine worked well, which it didn’t. I went to speak to my landlady and her residence was just as overheated as mine. I don’t suppose there was genuinely anything wrong with the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C machine; it was blowing cold air. I suppose the real issue is that my home was not well insulated. My sibling was living in the same area, so I took my children to her residence in search of a/c and her home was overheated too. She had window cooling machines that kept freezing up. I don’t even know how these people were able to take this heat year after year, and without a/c! The bunch of us weren’t the only people having a/c setbacks. I would have considered a theater or mall, however I lived in a small neighborhood that had neither of those, and we were in need of relief for more than a couple of hours. This heat was genuinely threatening. The bunch of us made it through the summertime thankfully. I took the youngsters swimming almost every afternoon, however at night, the residence cooled off to bearable temperatures so we could manage to get some sleep. The following summertime, I was better prepared. I actually moved back where I came from.

