I Can’t Afford To Keep Paying These High Utility Bills

When I looked at my utility bill last month, I almost cried.

  • I always experience a high utility bill during the middle of winter, but this was astronomical.

Nobody likes to see a high utility bill, but it was right after the holidays and I couldn’t afford to see a bill like this. I’ve been really adamant about keeping my thermostat settings really low and not living in luxury with my heat settings. I can’t afford to keep my furnace running all day and all night, so my temperature settings are always moderate. This is why when I opened my utility bill and saw the insane price, I was shocked. It was over $100 more than it normally is, which didn’t make any sense. I didn’t want to call an HVAC professional because it would cost me more money, but it was my only choice. If I didn’t fix the HVAC issue, then I’d be forced to pay another astronomical utility bill. The HVAC professional was surprisingly sympathetic towards me and tried to reassure me that everything would be okay. He said that I did the right thing by calling him, because the situation could’ve gotten a lot worse. According to him, there were no real signs of damage to my furnace, which was a relief. He said the air filter was way overdue for a replacement, and switched it out for me. I’m hoping he’s right about my dirty air filter, because I can’t afford to pay another bill like this.



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