I’m thinking about making my garage climate controlled for my wife

My wife always wanted to be a painter.

  • She started taking pottery and sculpting classes with her mother at six years old.

Once she showed a natural proficiency for both, her parents started buying her all sorts of different art kits for birthdays and holidays. By the time she started taking art classes in middle school, she had gravitated towards drawing and painting. She has told me countless stories about the hours she spent using watercolors before she graduated to oil paints and pastels. When she started high school, she entered her first art competition. It was for teenagers ages 14 to 17, and among hundreds of participants from her home town, she placed third overall in the painting category. Unfortunately when it came time to apply to college, she didn’t have the money or scholarships to attend art school. Plus, the prospect of being a professional painter with enough money to survive seemed like a pipe dream to her at the time. Nowadays she works in banking but she hasn’t given up her love for art. I am going to make our garage climate controlled with an air conditioner and a heating system so she can work out there regardless of the weather outside. Having a conditioned garage is a good investment too, something I assume will add to our equity. But the goal is to make my wife happy, regardless of how much I spend on heating and cooling equipment. I think a ductless mini split would be a perfect choice for the garage. They take up relatively little space indoors and they’re more powerful than most window air conditioners.
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