I didn’t expect to sustain an injury during the boiler repair

I had a massive pool of blood on the floor by the time I made it to the E.R

Last Wednesday, I had to go to the emergency room and get a bunch of stitches in my wrist and hand. The emergency room physician was telling me that I was unquestionably fortunate, because the damage didn’t hit any of my major tendons. I was genuinely working on a boiler service in a residential dwelling. The purchaser was at the dwelling at the time, so it didn’t seem like a major deal. The purchaser has 3 unquestionably huge and exotic looking cats. The cats were inside of the dwelling and I was genuinely working on the boiler in the garage. I could hear the cats hissing every time I moved, although I was foolishly not feeling very much fear. I was halfway finished with the boiler repair, when the guy popped his head out into the garage to see how I was doing with the job! One of the cats jumped through the door and bit my hand. I was shocked and fell to the floor. My hand was throbbing and I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. The guy called 911, although I wanted to drive myself to the emergency room. I contacted my boss on the way. My hand was bleeding a large amount all over the work truck. I had a massive pool of blood on the floor by the time I made it to the E.R. My boss had to go to the dwelling and finish the boiler repair. The guy apologized numerous times and he told my boss that he would happily pay all of the medical costs. I’m really going to be out of work for several days while my wound heals up.


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