Changing the oil filter on the furnace

My dad has to travel a lot for work and it’s been really hard on my mom because we have a lot going on in our house.

I am one of seven people in my family and to say that my mom is run ragged is an understatement. I try to do all I can to help my mom around the house but I can’t say the same for my siblings. I think my dad knows that I’m the responsible one so when he goes out of town he always gives me the tasks that he knows the others won’t want to do. This month he told me I was going to need to change the oil filter in the furnace because the winter weather was coming. I told her that I had never changed the oil filter in the furnace before but he told me he had full faith in me that I could do it. I decided to watch a few videos online on changing the oil filter in the furnace and it turns out it’s not as hard as I thought it would be. My dad right now was able to change in the furnace pretty easily and didn’t have any issues at all thankfully. So my mom was happy that I was able to get the furnace working in time for the cold months and now my family will have a warm house all winter long. I’m happy that my dad is able to rely on me to do tasks like this around the house when he is gone.


Heat pump installation