Using HVAC during a fire

Recently the area that I live in has been devastated by forest fires.

It seems like once the fire department gets one fire out then another one pops up.

It’s really sad to see all these people lose everything that they have and all the homes being destroyed by the fires. Thankfully my family has been really lucky at our home and it has been just fine and out of the line of fire. However, that does not mean we have not suffered any consequences of the fires. Since the fire has been going on for months now that means that our house has smelled like smoke for months. I thought that we would be able to change the filter in our HVAC system and not have the house smell like fire anymore but that has not been the case. It seems like the fire rage on the smoke in our house only gets worse and it doesn’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. I really want to call the local HVAC company and have them come out to the house but I know they are dealing with more important things like helping the fire department put out these fires. Hopefully one day the fires will be under control and we don’t have to worry about our HVAC system anymore because there really is more going on and more important things happening in our community right now.

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