It’s going to be a surprise

After getting the inspection report back the other day in addition to seeing that the condo my hubby in addition to I was interested in had an a/c method that was 10 years old, the two of us were a little scared.

  • A seasoned a/c method may not sound to be an immense deal, however in the south, it’s an immense deal.

The air conditioner is constantly running in home’s down south. On average, I think the air conditioner is needed for at least 10 months out of the 12 in this area. The summer time heat is excruciating with normal temperatures passing 100 degrees in addition to humidity levels above 70 percent. The 12 year seasoned a/c method meant that it would need to be fully updated soon. The inspection report said that the a/c method was still functional, so that really gave us hope. When the two of us first moved in, my hubby in addition to I was hesitant to try to turn on the a/c because the two of us didn’t assume what to expect. Even though the old air conditioner was able to run, the two of us didn’t assume how well it cooled the air or how well it would run. Every one of us kept the temperature as low as the two of us could while unpacking. In the back of our minds though, the two of us feared our first utility bill. That bill would be the verification about how abruptly we’d need to update our a/c. We’re still waiting on our energy bill to come in the mail, however we’re both anxiously waiting to see how much currency it’s going to cost just to run our a/c method all summer time long.

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