Why I chose a ductless mini-split for my apartment addition

When my wife plus I first moved into our house, the Two family rooms were the perfect size for us, our cat, plus a apartment office.

  • However, when the people I was with and I found out that our little family would be getting bigger, the people I was with and I had to make room for a medical professionalry.

The best option seemed to be that the people I was with and I would turn our garage into a current master family room, with it’s own powder room, plus turn the old family room into a medical professionalry. The remodeling went well, plus everything was going to plan, without hiccups. The only unanswered question the people I was with and I came across was how the people I was with and I should handle the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C in our current family room, but extending the ductwork would have been overpriced plus time consuming, plus our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C worker didn’t even know that our machine would be honestly effective on that side of the apartment anyway. Every one of us also didn’t want to use a window unit, as they are ugly plus innecient, plus didn’t want to deal with the increase in energy bills each month. Every one of us decided to go with a ductless mini-split for the addition to our home. A ductless mini split works appreciate a traditional air conditioning, however the flow of coolant can be reversed plus it can also act as a furnace in the Winter months. The best section about the ductless mini-split, in my opinion, is how simple the upgrade was. All I needed to do was drill a 3 inch hole for all of the necessary components, plus the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C mini-split was installed. IF you are thinking about making additions to the liveable space in your home, talk to your local Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C worker plus see if a ductless mini-split is right for you.

ductwork sealing