Bush pilot turned Heating, Ventilation, & A/C tech

As a bush pilot, I spend most of our time in the air, and my territory covers many hundred square miles, & about forty or fifty official clients.

My clients contact myself and others when they need me, sporadically it is every few weeks, for other people it is twice a year.

They request items for delivery, anything from food or building supplies to family members coming to visit, & then I set a date to fly out there. The worst gigs are when I have to fly an expert out to someone’s home to repair something. This is how I got the system to get certified in Heating, Ventilation, & A/C work, so that I could supply those services as section of our normal route. Some people don’t want to pay the hundreds of dollars it takes to get an expert out to look at their gas furnace. Most people manage their own heating, many using straight-forward wood fires, however other people have high tech heaters, & need an expert to keep them in top-top shape… Now when someone on our route has a heating issue, they can pay myself and others to come by instead of paying myself and others to fly in an Heating, Ventilation, & A/C tech, who they would also have to pay. It’s really a good deal for everyone, because our clients save hundreds of dollars & when I combine our deliveries with our Heating, Ventilation, & A/C labor then it is basically free currency! One day I might even find a greater city to live in, where I could just labor as a heating worker separate from having to spend 12 hours a day flying.

ductwork cleaning