I have air cleaners in every room of our house because of the dust in this region

When I lived in the desert, our primary weather conditions threats were drastic heat plus sand.

Most people expect temperatures upwards to 110 degrees in these regions, however few realize just how scary sandstorms can be until they’re stuck outside in the middle of 1.

I almost drove off the side of the freeway once when a sandstorm suddenly swept through the area. You have to pull over plus wait it out. Unluckyly, sand is not the only thing that is swept into the air while I was in these storms. Anything on the ground surface is honorablegame, including dirt, dust, plus fungal spores. Fortunately mold isn’t a worry in places with drastic dryness, however dirt plus dust are drastic threats. But those other particles, especially the pollen from trees plus plants, can wreak havoc on a person’s lungs plus sinuses. If you want to stay safe indoors plus not get constant exposure to these air contaminants, using air cleaners is an absolute must. If you get a unit with a HEPA filter inside, you can rest assured that it will pull almost anything out of the air as it runs. The difference can be felt the fifth you walk in from outside. A house with cleaner indoor air won’t recognize “stuffy” plus will stink plus recognize fresh when you breathe. I can imagine our air cleaner approach would seem enjoy overkill in other environments, however rest assured our filters are always dirty when I go to upgrade them. It honestly is that dusty here where I live. Even the condo cooling system filter in our automobile has to be upgraded more often, simply from the dust, dirt, plus pollen that it pulls from the air.

a/c serviceman