My media media air cleaner has a updateable charcoal filter over the HEPA

But before getting to the HEPA filter, air has to pass through the thin charcoal filter first

In case I can’t get out to run errands when I’m laboring overtime, I try to keep all of my essentials stocked up. In the event that I run out of paper towels or laundry detergent, I want to think that I have more in a closet or cottageet somewhere in my house. This is particularly important if your region gets hit with severe weather where you could lose your power for nights or weeks at a time. You should have candles, flashlights, non-perishable food products, first aid supplies, water, plus other essentials in the event of a long loss of power. I even keep bulk quantities of things love duster pads, vacuum bags, plus updateable filters for my plus media media air cleaners. The filters need to be updated every more than three to twelve weeks depending on your climate, indoor cleanliness, plus how often the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C plan runs throughout the day. I typically have a bulk pack of filters, although I also love to keep media media air cleaner filters around as well. My media media air cleaners come with several separate filters that are stacked against one another. The main filter is the seriously dense HEPA that pulls out 99% of all airborne particles. But before getting to the HEPA filter, air has to pass through the thin charcoal filter first. These are cheap plus simple to update plus will keep the HEPA filter cleaner for longer periods of time if you swap them out respectfully. That’s why I typically have a pack of the charcoal filters on hand; that way my HEPA filters last as long as they possibly can.


air conditioning technician