Maybe we are overusing our A/C system this summer

I’m beginning to wonder if we are overusing our A/C system this summer.

I know that sounds silly, because most people think that you can’t overuse your air conditioning system.

But we live down in the southern part of the country where the temperatures are burning hot in the summer. And even worse, we are having a really big heat wave this year! So it’s even hotter than it normally is. I think last week, the temperatures were up in the 90s most days and one day it was even 100 degrees. Needless to say, if you don’t have a really great air conditioning system then you are definitely going to be in big trouble if you live around here. I have a great central air conditioning system installed in my house. We got it late last summer when it was on sale at our local HVAC company. However, I don’t really know that it was meant to be run at this level for such a long period of time. I feel like most air conditioning systems are made to run intermittently, but at this point in the year, mine is running almost constantly. I think having an A/C running constantly might be a problem, and this might be especially true when it’s a residential system like the one I have in my home. Of course, maybe it would be different if it were a commercial HVAC system in a restaurant or a movie theater or something like that, but it’s the small one in my own basement!
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