My husband shouldn’t have declined the home warranty

We purchased the house, finished the loan, and moved in.

When we were closing on our house loan a few years ago, my husband was pretty adamant about the fact that we shouldn’t add anything else onto the bottom line of the loan. He was really concerned about the fact that we were going to be spending so much money on a house in the first place and so when I told him that I thought that we should buy a home warranty, he really didn’t want to. I went over all of the different reasons that we should get a home warranty, because I had grown up in a family where we had always had one on our home. We moved a lot when I was growing up and I remember my dad always saying that if you could buy a home warranty to go along with your loan, you should always do it for the heating and cooling system coverage if nothing else. I always remembered that as I was growing up and I tried to talk my husband into it. However, he was so freaked out about the bottom line on the money that we were spending on the house that there was just no way that I could get him to do it. We purchased the house, finished the loan, and moved in. For a while, everything was fine. We had a really great high efficiency heating and cooling system that was installed in the house when we moved in and it worked great for about a year. Then everything started to go downhill and my husband really started to wish that he had not declined the home warranty. It would have covered all of our HVAC repairs!


space heater