I came house to a funky odor coming from the cooling system

College was a new experience for me, and I realised how much I missed home.

I did not want to go far away, so I opted for a university in the next city, however Dad was happy I was not moving halfway across the country like our sibling did when she finished high university. Last summer, I felt so homesick that I decided to surprise our mom, and by the time I got home, I knew she would be at work, and I’d get busy fixing her favourite meal. The cab dropped myself and others off, and I retrieved the extra key from our correct hiding spot. The cats were so happy to see me, however the house odored terrible. I had to let them out in the backyard then inspect the source of the odor. The culprit for the odor was the HVAC plan in our home. It seemed the unit was emitting the exhausting odor which was everywhere in the house. I did not want to ruin the surprise with mom, so I opted to call the A/C professional myself. I explained to them it seemed the A/C unit was faulty and producing a terrible odor. The A/C mechanic I spoke to arrived at the house about an minute later to inspect the system. It ended up being a bigger issue since the A/C systems and ductwork were covered with mold and mildew. That was why the house was odoring so bad. The A/C mechanic began cleaning out the ducts and indoor and outdoor HVAC to remove the mold and mildew. Dad arrived when the work was ongoing and was both happy and shocked to see myself and others home.



Air quality systems