My dream about HVAC went on

My dream about being a captive HVAC technician went on the next night.

Previously, I was locked in a dungeon with several other HVAC technicians and cooling experts and we were given a hot water boiler and a central air conditioner.

We were told we had to fix the HVAC units in only one hour or we would all be put to death. As the dream progressed, the hot water boiler turned into a heat pump, and the central air conditioner turned into a multi split air conditioner. I was able to save all of us HVAC technicians and cooling experts by fixing the cooling and heating units in record time. This dream continued the following night. It began when I was walking out of the dungeon. I was met by an elderly lady who needed help with her whole home air purification system. I couldn’t say no to an elderly lady, so I went to her house and began working on her whole home air purifier. When I finished fixing the HVAC unit, I searched for the old lady, but could not find her anywhere. I opened the door to a closet and discovered that it was huge, and filled with HVAC units of every kind/ I found smart thermostats. Air filters, air purifiers, and even a couple mini split air conditioners and hydronic heating units. I desperately searched for the old lady so I could ask her about the closet full of HVAC units, but she was nowhere to be found. I eventually grabbed one of the hydronic heating systems and set it in her kitchen and waited for her. I woke up before I was able to ask her for the hydronic heating system or maybe a deal on one of her mini split air conditioners.

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