We had to get the heating fixed before he got home

When my brother surprised us with a phone call from the airport, we knew that we had very little time to get the heating system fixed.

He told us that he was going to be home in two days, and that he was calling from the International Airport where he was coming home from his deployment in the military.

We had been putting off getting our heating system fixed because we had not been home very much. The heating was actually working in most of the house, but in my brother’s room, there were a lot of cold spots and it was freezing cold in there. However, when he told us it was going to be getting home, we really needed to get the furnace fixed in his room. Of course, we did not want to welcome him home and then banish him to a room where the heating wasn’t working! We called to make an emergency appointment with our local HVAC company and we told them why we needed to get the heating fixed. When they found out that it was for a returning military person, they put us up at the top of the list. When the HVAC technician checked out the furnace system for us, he realized that it wasn’t the furnace that was having the problem at all. We just had some cracks and holes in our ductwork sealing. Once the HVAC technician fixed the ductwork sealing, the bedroom started heating up just fine. Not only that, but the HVAC company gave us a huge discount on the repair work since it was for my brother.
hydronic heating