Thinking outside of the box when it comes to home office and HVAC

So many of my friends were just completely freaked out when they got sent home from the zone controlled HVAC of their offices.

Of course, this was in the spring of 2020 when the pandemic first hit. I had so many friends and colleagues call me for advice when it came to working remotely from their own air conditioning. That’s because I’ve been working remotely for the better part of 7 years. The company I worked for first broached the idea of working remotely back then and I jumped on it. They were actually incentivizing those of us who really didn’t need to be in the office to work remotely. This was right before they were to institute some major, regional office contractions and centralize the situation to save money. I saw the handwriting on the wall, took the bonus money and started working from home. With that incentive bonus, I bought a fully constructed sort of out building and put it in the back yard. It looks sort of like a very fancy shed. Then, I had the HVAC company install a ductless heat pump in my new office. It worked out great. I had everything I needed and I was outside of the house where I wouldn’t end up being so distracted. So when old friends started calling, I would say that I’d become super comfortable with working remotely. I told all of them that they had to claim a space for their work. That was the most important part. Don’t try to work at the kitchen table under an HVAC air duct. I love working at home and am lucky to do so.

air purifier