Finally checked up the high cost of HVAC heating

Really, it was just that simple.

  • All I had to do was stop talking about it and do something.

That’s sort of been a theme with me. Instead of actually taking some form of proactive measures, I sit in the air conditioning instead. Oh, I’ll talk a big game, that’s for sure. Or I’ll be all whining and complaining because something isn’t right. Yet, until recently, I rarely actually did anything proactive. That changed when I was straight up challenged by my wife this past fall. I got into complaining about the upcoming winter and all that it was going to cost me for HVAC heating. She, in no uncertain terms, got right back in my face. My wife reminded me that it took two of us to provide for this household and it wasn’t just my money. Then, she really sort of got after me about the fact that I whine and whine but I don’t do anything. There were neighbors all around us who really got after winter preparation. That’s when she challenged me to get off my butt and do something to keep the gas furnace from running all the time. And I so heard her because she was one hundred percent correct. The first thing I did was call to schedule the HVAC heating maintenance. And I asked them for resources that could help me to learn to winterize my house. I had to look no further than the HVAC company’s website. I spent a couple of weekends going through that winter prep checklist. And we ended up saving more than 20 percent in HVAC heating costs this winter.
