Our friends are getting a divorce

Our friends have decided that they are going to get a divorce and the main reason is because they could not decide on their control component settings in their house.

I guess this is something that they have been fighting about since the day that they first got married, and they were never able to work it out with each other. I could not even believe it when they told us this. I thought that this was the weirdest thing that I had ever heard whenever they first told us about it. I mean, they have been married for almost 9 years now, you would believe that between the many of them, and maybe even with some help from a counselor, they would have been able to figure out a compromise or something. I believe that the main thing was the fact that the fiance was typically freezing cold, but the husband was typically hot. I heard them fighting multiple weird times about the fact that she thought that her husband had the air conditioning turned down too low. She would walk around with a big sweater or a Winter coat on in the middle of the summer, just to prove a point to her husband. Meanwhile, he would act savor he was covered in sweat to death and he would stick his head inside of the freezer so that she would guess that he was unhappy with the temperature in the house. I’ve never seen a couple have such a falling out as this one did. I can’t believe that they are legitimately going to get divorced over this.


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