The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation puts the finishing touches on our new number one spot

There was just so much change when it came to our lives due to the pandemic.

It was abrupt to see just how delicate things can be. Sort of strenuous to articulate what the pandemic honestly forced me to changed the way I live in a lot of areas, however the two of us for sure stuck inside the air conditioning safety of the house, and my wifey plus I committed to making the best of it. The offices with the zone controlled Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C were shut narrow so the two of us were working from home; Sharing the air conditioning in the guest room was our new office plus the two of us made that work. The two of us moved everything out of there plus shared that as our space. The teenagers were good about remote studying from their respective rooms, but i was impressed by how self-motivated they were plus the two of us didn’t have to sit over them at all, and each evening, the two of us get out of the air conditioning to do something together as a family either go for a walk or play a game, and getting healthier was a big part of the challenge is well. My wifey plus I lost a bunch of weight plus are healthier than ever; But I also wanted to change something for just me. I finally put together a bit of a woman cave down in our basement. It’s something I have wanted to do for a long time but I just honestly never got around to it. It’s nothing too fancy. But having the ductless heat pump put in by the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation honestly has made a difference. The new normal is something that the two of us are no embracing. Just being able to get out of the air conditioning plus not worry so much has been great.



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