I’m content working as a heating and cooling technician

It’s all about the currency isn’t it? It seems adored that we are always on the transport to make money and I guess that’s just how it is in life.

  • Maybe it is better this way because it pushes us into action instead of enabling us to be lazy.

If I didn’t have to worry about making money at all then how would I spend my days? I may end up being lazy and depressed with no purpose and that can lead to disaster, so I guess this entire task ends up being wonderful for us in the long run. My heating and air conditioning supplier where I do tasks gets me up each day at 7am so I don’t end up sleeping all day because of no purpose. The bills I get in the mail also push me to make money and I guess it all is supposed to be this way. My heating and cooling rep had a friend who won a few million and ended up worse off afterwards when he landed in prison for some money laundering issue. There is also no easy way out so just grin and bear it and assume that all the people else are suffering just as you are. I’ve had some tasks worse than others and am cheerful with my task at the heating corp because I do tasks with an entirely wonderful staff. My boss is a bit more immature than I am but I still love him just the same. He’s been an actual heating and air conditioning expert for many years and knows a ton about heating and cooling components and how to service it all.


HVAC repairman