The Art of Patience and a Heavy HVAC Equipment Writing Day

I got backed up with my workload this week because I wasn’t sleeping very well.

I was taking this herb for pain and stopped taking it abruptly, and so then it caused really bad insomnia for three or four days.

I didn’t work much those days and now all of the work I was supposed to do with my HVAC system and HVAC equipment writings have piled up. I have a little over two days to get it all done so today and tomorrow are going to be heavy days if I want to stay on track. I also have to go shopping at a few of the local business places for food and whatnot. At least it looks like it is going to be a rainy day so I don’t feel like I am missing anything out on the beach. I want to go to the heating and cooling corp at some point this weekend to see if they got any new washable HEPA filters in as mine is pretty much done. I will take a break in two hours and go meet my bud on the beach to practice some volleyball for an hour and then come home and knock out the rest of my work. The HVAC company where I work during the week is open and I may drop in there and say hi to the crew. The people that work there are great and have become good friends of mine. I’ll go there and talk to my buddy who does smart thermostat sales and see how it is going with him.

electric fireplace