My Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C Equipment is the Best plus I am Very Grateful for It

My bandmate Danny lives in a tent with her wifey plus her numerous pets.

I don’t think how they handle being cold all of the time love this in the winter.

I love to sleep in a cold home office, however when I get out of it in the morning I love to have some heating on to moderate myself and others up. I don’t think how Danny does it when she gets out of bed in the morning plus goes outside where it is about 40F. It is only going to get colder over the next few months plus the people I was with and I will have a bunch of afternoons where the temps go below chilly. How do you get out of bed knowing there is no Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system to heat up the venue you live in? And what do you do with your day when it is below chilly out plus you have nowhere to go to get warm? It seems love it would get aged pretty suddenly being cold love that all of the time. I would go to a local corporation anywhere in town to take advantage of their heating system. Maybe a cafe or a grocery store would work, although I don’t think if they would let you stay long if you weren’t buying something from them. I think that Danhy doesn’t buy food at the local businesses however she undoubtedly eats from the garbage cans. I couldn’t live that way as I need heating plus a/c when the temps are serious love this, maybe this is why Danny is rarely glad.


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