My wife is the HVAC technician.

She thought they were all being nice to her.

I talked to the owner of the HVAC company last week, and I asked if he culd get me several business cards to pass out around the area. Several of my neighbors were looking for a good HVAC company to deal with, and I immediately thought of them. What i didn’t want to tell him was that I was tired of my wife being in demand around the neighborhood. Whenever someone needed HVAC work, they would call my house. I was beginning to wonder if my wife was really married to me, or to the old geezers who lived around her. It all started when we were at a welcome to the neighborhood picnics. Most of our neighbors are elderly, and my wife quietlhy told one of the ladies that she was an HVAC technician. The next thing I knew, all the old guys who were widows or divorced, were clamoring around her and asking what she knew about HVAC. My wife is gorgeous and she is friendly, and at no time did she think anyone was hitting on her. She thought they were all being nice to her. I heard some of the men groan when she smiled their way, and it was the same way I looked at her and groaned when I wanted to reach out and hug her. I didn’t care how old these men were, I didn’t want them reaching out for my wife, even if they are asying they just want to talk to the HVAC technician. As long as I was handing out cards from the HVAC company she worked for, there was less chance they would get her, but end up with some other male HVAC technician who was as lecherous as they were.

heating service