Cleaning our home AC unit

Once all the dust is unconnected, I shouldn’t have any problems with breathing dust in my home anymore

Within the past few months, I have had a harsh time with dust in our home. I’m not sure what has been going on, but it seems like everything that is getting covered in layers of dust. I dislike the look of having dusty furniture in our house, but the dusty furniture is the least of concerns. The greater concern is dust in the HVAC system. This genuinely concerns myself and others. Every time I turn on the gas furnace during the cold winter season – every time the gas furnace kicks on – you can smell the dust being burned off. It is not a superb stink but I would prefer to get rid of it. I dusted off the furnace. I do not have the same issue with the air conditioner, but all the stuff that floating around in the air ducts is making dust circulate around our house. I knew that I could not continue to live this way. So, I made an appointment with our HVAC business. My local contractor would come out here and clean our air ducts. Once all the dust is unconnected, I shouldn’t have any problems with breathing dust in my home anymore. L I’m going to have a HEPA filter installed for extra measure. I can’t wait to have a clean apartment again.

a/c care plan