Storing the old furnace in the shed

I had a space furnace that I used to use for everything, but once I moved to a warmer temperature I no longer needed it, so I stored it in our shed.

That was the last time that I believed I would see it.

After all, I used to live in a absolutely cold temperature plus I would use it all the time there however I got tired of living in the cold and transfer so much warmer and sunny temperature, now that I lived in a sunny temperature I really didn’t think that I would ever have to use our space furnace again. I was wrong. The winters here are really mild compared to how cold it can get up north, but that does not change the fact that sometimes it can still get cold even here. It’s still something I’m getting used to when I go out in public, and I see people wearing shorts in below 50-degree weather. It’s kind of a culture shock for me. This is because when I used to live in a much colder section nobody could ever dream of wearing shorts in the winter, now here it’s common. What does this have to do with our gas furnace? One day we had a cold front come in, and I found myself having to retrieve our space oil furnace from our shed. Something I didn’t think I would have to do, but for once the temperature absolutely dropped below freezing during one really freezing cold period. Thankfully, despite sitting in the shed for close to a year the space oil furnace did his job really well. I was able to warm up and not have to worry about the cold.

a/c service