I don’t get it. It’s fall, my wifey plus I are both frosty outside raking leaves plus those leaves come down in buckets. There are so many, it’s ridiculous… My unbelievable friend and I mainly try to keep up with it because of our coy pond. It feels like it a never-ending nightmare to try plus keep them out of it. The last few years my buddy and I kept failing at it but hoping this year is a bit different. It entirely won’t as I forgot to by a cover for it. I was planning on buying a cover plus doing my best to make sure that the pond doesn’t become a leaf-filled mess. So I’m outside it feels like all weekend every two hours trying to rake up the leaves, well, the ones that keep landing around the pond plus using the net to scoop a bunch out… Regardless, when my buddy and I are indoors trying to get out of the cool fall weather, the control device dial for the boiler after a few minutes makes me sweat. My wifey just looks at me like I’m different plus says this is the best air quality going on right now plus if I’m too hot, after that I should go back outside plus rake more leaves. I believe she’s nuts, maybe I should turn down the control device dial plus she should go outside. That makes no sense nor could I do that to her. Still, the loft is set at 71 degrees plus I’m dripping with sweat plus she is wearing a hoodie with sweatpants just being comfortable. I suppose I’ll keep going outside to cool myself down plus after I feel cold, I’ll come back inside, doesn’t matter, when I go back to work Saturday, that pond will be full of leaves.