Buying a new fireplace

I am about to go take the major plunge and buy a brand new fireplace for my home. My old fireplace had finally seen its day. The only thing is now I am not going to be investing a ton of currency into replacing the fireplace as it was. This is because I had a real fireplace. I am going to have the area all sealed off and all of that and go in for getting what some call a fake fireplace. These would be electric fireplaces or gas fireplaces. I am just however stuck on which direction I wish to go in getting a new fireplace. On one hand I feel an electric fireplace would be nice and nice to have around the holiday season for decoration. However there is something about a gas fireplace that interests me just as much. Having a gas fireplace would be nice and warm and plus I truly enjoy the look of the pretty red flame. However the gas fireplace kind of makes me nervous as anything with gas does because of the potential dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning or explosions being involved if things were to ever go wrong with it. So because of this fact I suppose I am going to just go with investing my currency into a brand new electric fireplace instead. That would be the actually best option for my life and the way I feel about things when it comes to gas, etc. So I will be shopping around for the best, and I mean the absolute best in electric fireplaces!



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