The hot summer weather has been wonderful

When it comes to the hot summer or some people that dread them and other people that love them.

I am in the love category.

I love summer because of all the fun things you can do, everything is in bloom and it’s beautiful to look at, summer has always been a time where I go and meet up with my friends and play sports. We’ve done all kinds of sports, football, volleyball, and a little bit of basketball too, having some of my favorites. I don’t mind getting all hot and sweaty. It feels great to be outside being active in the sun. Summer is also the perfect time for the beach and I love going to the beach. Well some people are huddled up inside trying to stay close to their air conditioning systems just to stay cool, I’m out and enjoying the weather. It feels so good to be able to get hot and sweaty outside but then I need to be able to come inside and enjoy my wonderful cool air conditioning system. There is nothing like coming inside your home after being hot and sweaty and relaxing on the couch and enjoying your AC. I have all my furniture specifically aligned to where it’s right underneath all of the air vents that are in my home. This way I always get to feel that wonderful cool air. Today I spent the day outside playing sports for most of the day and then when I came inside I crashed and relaxed on the couch and just spent the rest of the day enjoying the air conditioning system.

read more about ac