I had no idea an air conditioner could leak water

That’s why the condensate line removes the water and puts it outdoors

I have always hated and feared water leaks and water damage more broadly speaking. I lived in a house for a while that had water damage done to the floors but the previous tenants tried to hide it. There was a lot of mold in that house just from all of the damaged wood in the subfloors. I ended up moving out of the house because I just couldn’t handle the effect it had on my allergies. I have always looked for homes that lacked any kind of bad water damage in the years since. I’ve also been really fearful of inadvertently causing any water damage as well. That’s why I’m really adamant about having a secondary heating system in the winter season. In case my primary furnace goes out, I don’t want to lose the ability to have indoor heat otherwise my pipes could freeze and then burst. It would lead to catastrophic water damage in my house. But I had no idea that the air conditioner could leak water too. I knew that air conditioners dripped water outside but I never connected that to the water inside the machine in the first place. As air goes through the air conditioner, moisture is pulled from it and it has to go somewhere. That’s why the condensate line removes the water and puts it outdoors. But if the condensate line gets clogged from algae buildup, the water can back up into your air conditioner and flood the areas around the air handler itself. Sometimes this leads to terrible water damage, especially with wood.


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