She had to cut on using AC in her home

April lost her job a couple of weeks ago, and so she is going to have to save on AC this summer.

Living around here where she does, the weather gets really warm during the summer.

The temperature starts rising around the end of May, and then it stays really warm until around the end of November. That’s just how it is around here. April doesn’t know why she still lives here because she doesn’t like the warm weather much at all. She knows that one day she might end up moving anywhere else someday, however so far she is still here. Frankly, losing her job might be a great reason to move anywhere where it’s not so hot. She doesn’t really have a plan to do that so far, though. April told her partner the other day that we were going to have to cut back on using the AC in the lake house this Summer because they just aren’t going to have enough funds to spend their savings on all of the power bills. They have quite a bit saved up in their emergency bank account, however they are going to have to start saving on things that are not necessary because she is out of a job right now. Hopefully April will manage to find a new job by the time Summer gets here, but she doesn’t know how likely that is. If she had to go all Summer without using the central AC in order to save money, April just doesn’t know what she is going to do.

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