Living in poverty without a heating system

I just watched the saddest documentary about children living in poverty.

The part that really made me cry was that they had to give up their dog.

The described so well what it was like to live in poverty. They told us things they had to live without. Most of the time it was easier to say what they did have to survive. However, no one ever mentioned an HVAC system. I am not sure if it is because they are used to living without one. I am not sure if maybe this is a priority so they pay the bill for that. They do say how they have freezing cold water. However, they never talked about whether the home felt really that cold too. This movie put it into perspective for me what it was like to have no money. I cannot imagine not having to live with an HVAC system. I mean at the very least I would need a heating system. I feel that I would certainly need a heating system to keep me warm. If the temperatures drop too low and the house isn’t warm, the pipes could freeze. You would not have running water at all. The pipes could burst and that would be a huge problem. You would have water everywhere but no one to pay to fix it. It could lead to more problems that cost more money. This is all money that I would not be able to afford to give up. I hope that there is never a day where I do not go without heat for a night or a day. I am so happy and feel so grateful to be able to have a heating system installed right into my current home.



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