Heating and Air Conditioning or me!

The older I get, the more I realize that my past ideas about relationships were completely messed up.

When I was growing up I legitimately had no idea how human interactions were supposed to labor in a healthy fashion.

I only saw unhealthy relationships as I was making my way through childhood. As a result, I wound up in a lot of social associations that were unevenly balanced & negatively skewed. Unfortunately, one of those relationships included an unfair ultimatum that I provided to my wifey. He was always rather flippant with our indoor air quality when my buddy and I were residing together. The thermostat never seems to concern him in the least. When my buddy and I had a nice freezing this week outside he was ecstatic residing without any indoor heat. When it was swelteringly boiling & humid, he didn’t unquestionably care if the air conditioner system was toiling or not! On top of that, he never thought it was worthwhile to pay for Professional heating, cooling, & ventilation services for the failing forced air furnace & air conditioner unit. If my buddy and I ever did he use the indoor air handling devices my buddy and I had to suffer from high energy bills & dirty indoor air, anyways. The condo always felt dirty & unclean when our breathing air was passing through the unmanaged central heating & cooling system. I tried many times to motivate him to budget for a professional heating, cooling, & air quality control appointment. However, he refused to help me scrape together the funds for a routine air quality control repair service. Eventually, the indoor air quality became such a problem that I provided him a brutal ultimatum – repair the Heating and Air Conditioning system or lose our relationship. I was single the next week.

Air quality systems