Cleaning that cooling system soon

It’s 12:30pm now, and I still have more than four hours to finish my work before I have to train on the beach.

Soon, I’ll put on my podcast to learn the language while I do my yoga routine for an hour.

I like to listen to the Spanish podcast while I do yoga because it really helps me learn the language when I listen to it every day in this way. I think I should be able to speak Spanish fluently in about six months if I stick to my plan to listen to Spanish every day for a year. This week, I’ll be helping a friend who works as a Heating and A/C rep with some work for the company. I like working with the rep because my partner and I work well together and also get to talk about life and other things while doing the work. My friend and I met years ago at the Heating Corp and have been friends ever since. My friend and I work together for a few hours each week, and I always look forward to our time together because my friend and I have a great relationship and can talk for hours while working. This coming week, my friend and I will be working on a big commercial air conditioning job. I think we will be working with a few other cooling experts since this is a big job that will need a lot of hands to finish. There is also a lot of lifting, so I’m trying to give my back a break for the next couple of nights.

Air conditioning installation

Five nights till the cooling system works again

This should be easy since I already have about $4,000 saved

The 18th of March is this week, and the weather is still pretty mild. The real heat won’t come until the middle or end of July, and it will stay hot until the middle of October before it starts to cool down for the winter. This means that my friend and I will have about five months of nice weather. It will also get very busy here around the end of July and stay that way until the beginning of October when most people leave to go back to work and school. Soon, the company that sells air conditioners and heaters will be tied together, so I’m going to work more hours for them this summer to make a little more money. Over the next six months, I want to put some money in the bank so I have a nice cushion in case something comes up. I’ll do more work as a heating and air conditioning tech for a local company, and I should be able to save about $10,000 by the end of the summer season. This should be easy since I already have about $4,000 saved. Once I have that buffer, I’ll be able to cut back on work a bit and focus more on writing songs for my band, so that my partner and I can start playing more shows in clubs and bars. Tomorrow, I want to perform in this fancy club, which has a fireplace behind the stage to help set the mood when my partner and I are playing for the crowds. It ought to be fun.

a/c serviceman

I have one hour of heating stories to work on

I haven’t talked to my mother in quite a while.

  • The last time my coworker and I talked, her brother was dying of pancreatic cancer, so I guess she is just too sad right now to want to talk.

I’ll give her some time, and then I’ll be able to catch up once she’s recovered from this loss. I don’t even know if he’s still alive or dead because I haven’t heard anything from her, but either way, he’s going to be gone very soon. I grew up with him because he was only about 15 years older. Heating and air conditioning system repairs were his job for many years. I’m sure he smoked a few packs a day while working on the heating and cooling equipment, and I’m sure that didn’t help him get where he is now. I guess he and my dad live about the same amount of time, since they are both 69 years old. If I am in the same boat, I only have about 17 years left. Wow. I’ve been a Heating and A/C rep for many years, but I think it’s time to move on to something else instead of cleaning heating devices and fixing temperature controls for the rest of my life. I liked doing the work for a long time, but now I feel like I want to try something new, like learning a musical instrument or trying my hand at improv on stage. I’d like to perform at this place near me that teaches acting and other performing arts before I’m too old.

Click this link to find more information

There are seven gas boilers to work on

I’m going to the pharmacy soon to see if they have a gel that freezes and soothes sore joints.

I hope they have great prices on it so I don’t have to buy it online and can get relief from my sore joints right away. It seems like the pharmacy should sell the best pain gels, but you won’t know for sure until you go there and look. I can buy it online, but it’s so much easier to just go to the store near my apartment and pick it up so I can use it right away. The Heating and Air Conditioning guy told me to go there, and I hope they have that gel to cool down sore joints like mine. I guess they’re open now, so after I finish this little story, I’ll take a break and go there to get the stuff. When he hurt his back last year while installing a heating and air conditioning system for a customer, the heating supplier told me that he used some gel there. I need the gel for my back, knees, and elbow. For my elbow, I guess I’ll need a cortisone shot to make the pain go away. I hurt my elbow cleaning a lot of boiler filters over the last few months, and I think it’s going to need more than the gel you can buy at the store. The dentist’s office can give shots, so all I need to do is make an appointment, go there, and get the shot. I’ll do it online right away.
a/c tune up

Plugging up the heating machine leaks

I live completely on my own here in another country, but I still think about how busy my life was back home in the United States.

I also used to paint houses.

It was so hard to make that money that it’s a wonder I stayed in the business for a decade. Now I work online and make the same amount of money, but I don’t have to carry around heavy painting equipment or put my life at risk by climbing ladders or walking on steep roofs. I no longer have to spend three hours a day driving my work truck to do estimates for my local business. I can also now work in air-conditioned comfort while listening to great music on my earbuds. My work life is much better and life is a lot stranger than it used to be. My love life is even getting a little hotter because I met this girl who works at a local business and seems to like me… I stopped dating for more than a year to clear my head and find myself again. It looks like my heart is finally ready to love someone again. I needed time to work on my heating and cooling system and just relax in my apartment, where my air conditioner would keep me and my cats comfortable. I’m going to the beach soon to eat an apple and drink kefir while watching the waves roll gently onto the sand. The way Mother Nature controls the weather will keep me comfortable for the next month or so, until it gets hot again in the summer.

Wireless thermostat

Heating as well as cooling work each day

I like having a steady and consistent workday every day because I am a creature of habit and do well when I have to do the same thing over and over again.

I work on my writing for about two hours a day, and I also teach yoga to a client three times a week to make a little more money.

I just bought a modern drum, which is now my seventh drum. I probably shouldn’t have bought it, but now that I’m making more money each month, I can afford to make small purchases. The local business has a great selection of musical instruments, and the guy who runs it is such a nice person that you want him to do well. I could buy things cheaper online, but I like to help people in my town so that this little town can stay alive. In the winter, when business is slow, I buy all of my heating and air conditioning equipment and supplies from this heating contractor so that she can stay in business. Anyway, I’ll keep working for 15 more minutes to try to finish a couple more of these articles, and then I’ll leave my apartment for a while and take a ride around town. I can stop by the Heating and A/C supplier and say hi to my friend Neus. I saw and hugged Neus a few times last night on my way home from breakfast with a friend who works for a heating supplier. Have a great day and give your mom a hug.

Air conditioner service

Cleaning out the a/c ducts is entertaining

This week’s Sunday and it looks like my friend and I may get some rain soon.

I am still a bit tired because I just woke up an hour ago after sleeping all evening.

My body needs a lot of rest right now because I played a lot of sports a few nights ago. When I play a lot of ball, I like to stay in bed for at least 10 hours because it helps my body heal and gives me the energy to get through the day with vigor and focus. My heating machine is on right now, warming up my back so that it will heal faster. I don’t usually have lower back pain like this, but for some reason, it has been bothering me a bit the last couple of weeks, and I want to get it back to normal as soon as I can. This week, I’ll run my space heater to keep my office at a good temperature while I work, and I’ll also cool it down with some freezing gel spray that a local business friend gave me a few nights ago. I’ll buy some more soon, but I need to wait a few weeks until I get paid because I’m barely getting by. My mom sold some Heating and A/C systems and is going to give me a cut of the money soon. My partner and I have been running an online Heating and A/C supplier together for a few years now. I guess I’ll get about $3000 in a few weeks, so I should be fine then.
HVAC products for sale

I love the new radiant floor heating

I love the new radiant floor heating in my house! It was something that we ended up buying on a whim.

And I had not really even talked about it all that much until we went to a sale that they were having at our local heating and cooling company downtown a few weeks ago.

They were doing a clearance sale on all kinds of things and one of the things that they were trying to get rid of was their radiant heated flooring. This HVAC company decided to stop installing radiated flooring, and they weren’t going to be offering it as an option anymore. Since they were clearing it out, they wanted to get rid of all of it fast. I have to say that we ended up getting a really good deal on the radiant heated flooring because of that. It was nice to get such a great deal. I really don’t think that we would ever have pulled the trigger on getting radiant heated flooring in our home if it had not been for that clearance sale. I think that I will always be happy because of the fact that they were clearing it out because now that we have it installed in the house, I am really loving it. It is so nice, with even heating and temperature control throughout the entire house. I never knew how great it would be until we actually had it for ourselves. Now, I never want to live anywhere without radiant heated flooring ever again. We were just in the right place at the right time.



hvac business

I’ve been working in the bathroom since the A/C works in there

I’ve been working in the bathroom for the past week since the A/C works in that room.

For some reason, it isn’t working anywhere else in the house right now! I don’t really know what’s going on but something has to be done.

I have always had all kinds of issues with the air conditioning system in this house. Ever since I moved into this place two years ago, there has always been something or another going wrong with the air conditioning system. It seems like nothing else ever really tears up around here, which is good. However, it always seems as if the air conditioning system issues end up making up for everything else. It is really so annoying that I cannot even explain it. Since I work from home, I have to be comfortable during the workday. Unfortunately for me, the only place that is comfortable in my house right now is the bathroom! I have no idea why the air conditioning would be working in the bathroom and nowhere else! The stuff that goes on in this house just completely defies reason. I have been working in the bathroom for the past two weeks now. I’m waiting for an appointment with my HVAC company, but they have been really backed up. They are supposed to be here in the next few days though and I really hope that they are able to get the air conditioning system working throughout the entire house. I’m just sick and tired of working in the bathroom every day of my life.



cooling industry

The air conditioning in our camper is broken

I told him to get the A/C fixed if he wants me to accompany him

The air conditioning in our camper is broken but I don’t want to go until it’s fixed. I love to go camping just as much as the next person, but I hate all the sweating and the bugs that come along with camping when you don’t have a properly working air conditioning. My husband, on the other hand, would go camping in the middle of a snow storm or in the middle of a heat wave. He’s just that kind of a guy. I think that he wishes that I was the same way, but I’m not. I personally need to have a few more creature comforts than that in order to be comfortable. That is especially true for whenever it’s the middle of the summer. I would much rather be cold than hot, and so you’ll find me in the woods with the camper much more often in the fall than you will find me there in the summer or the spring! My husband keeps telling me that it’s not that hot outside yet and that I won’t really miss the air conditioning this early in the year, but I’m not falling for it. I know that I would feel terrible and hate every minute of it if I went camping without an air conditioning system during the spring or the summer. I told him to get the A/C fixed if he wants me to accompany him. He said that he would, but the parts for the A/C will not be in on time for us to go camping later this weekend the way that he wants to.

cooling representative