My husband is amazing

I’ve been happily wed to our hubby for the past numerous years now, and I still care about the woman as much as I did on our anniversary afternoon – if not more. That being said, our hubby can be a clutz at times, and her clumsiness has brought embarrassment to us on more than a single occasion. I still remember a single particular  instance, where our graceful hubby managed to fall on her way out of the washroom. She stumbled across ten feet of space before slamming head-first into the wall. Thankfully she didn’t mangle the wall much, because the impact was broken by our thermostat! Somehow, our hubby’s thick skull managed to smash the thermostat into itself, which subsequently caused the home’s HVAC system to shut down. I could only laugh to hide our embarrassment, as our hubby had to go to the hardware store and buy a replacement thermostat with a large bruise on her forehead. It took him over an hour to find a replacement thermostat, and in that time our house warmed up suddenly in the summertime heat! She finally came back house with a uncommon temperature control device, which she boasted was capable of being programmed and synced with our smartphones. While that did sound pretty neat and convenient for us, I wanted to believe why she didn’t just buy a current version of the component all of us already had. Unfortunately, the thermostat all of us had was already obsolete. Both of us bought it only numerous years ago! In the end, the current smart thermostat was a immense hit – but not as much of a hit as the a single that our hubby’s pride had to take.
