The ups and downs of working for my father

Most people might fantasize about being able to work for their mum or dad and how much are the joy that would be, but I’m here to tell you that it is not all sunshine and Rainbows, no not by a long shot! In fact to be 100 percent honest with you, I think that working for your parents can be even more difficult than working for a stranger! The reason behind this is due to the fact that your parents each no your strengths and weaknesses, and they are instantly able to tell when you aren’t Giving 100% to something that you are working on.

For example, my father owns and runs the best hvac heating and Cooling repair company in town.

I have started to work under him as a hvac repair tech, and it has without a doubt then the most difficult job I have ever done in my career period now only is working on broken down heating and Cooling units a very strenuous and delicate task, but I also have the extra pressure from my father to be nothing less than perfect. Being forced to deal with this high level of expectations combined with the attention to detail, it has been a very difficult few years. With that being said however, I know that working for my father has only made me a better hvac repairman, and working under him will give me a competitive advantage against all of the up-and-coming hvac repair men for years to come. And for that, I am thankful for the opportunity to work for my father!



furnace/heater installation