Going out trick or treating is not quite as fantastic when you are grown up

Anyone who had a fantastic Halloween when they were a child are lying if they say they don’t miss it, what a lovely holiday to provide you an excuse to explore the town with your friends and siblings on your own and get delicious candy at nearly every door all while traipsing around in a wild costume; Christmas may trump Halloween as our number one holiday, but I understand people when they say that Halloween was their number one! Of course, when you get older, it is not the same, i remember the last time I genuinely celebrated Halloween was our junior year of high university.

There was a costume party at the university gym. I made the grave mistake of dressing up in a Sasquatch suit, but perhaps it would not have been so grave a mistake if the gym’s oil furnace was not literally stuck on full blast, and yes, that genuinely happened. It was barely frigid enough outside to justify having the oil furnace on at all, and here it was broken and blasting appreciate a…well, a oil furnace. I was in straight up danger of dehydration if I didn’t drink as much punch as I could. Too poor it tasted horrible. It was nice that some of our university friends were so amused with our costume, but there were times when I had to ditch them just to go outside and enjoy the coolness as opposed to the unforgiving heat inside, but as I took a moment to get relief in the cool evening air, I realized I was done with Halloween. The glory afternoons were over.

furnace filter