Getting a new roof is giving me a headache

The construction on our new roof is taking forever.

The roofing company is up on top of our house all day long hammering away and pouring smelly tar. And this is the third day that they have been doing this. The stink is pretty bad and I am getting a headache. I don’t know if the headache is because of the smell or because of the noise. I’ve tried turning the TV up and closing all of the windows but I can still hear and smell the roof installation. I’m tempted to go and aks the foreman to try and keep the noise down but I know that would be stupid. I have to let the roofers do their job if I want a new roof. So I am just sitting in my living room and jumping everytime I hear a hammer fall. At least I know that the work will be done today. The foreman promised me as much. That means that we will have a new roof over our head by tonight. Then we won’t have to worry about the tropical storm hitting this weekend. Besides, we have needed a new roof for awhile now. I am tired of catching leaks in my good pans. After the roofers are done, I will have to get some painters out here to fix up the ceiling. I bet that will be smelly and noisy too. I guess I’ll worry about that on another day though. I just still have to get through the noise and smell of today.

metal roofing