I only use my air conditioner at night

I know that people rely on their air conditioner a lot, but I honestly only rely on my air conditioner at night.

I hardly ever use my air conditioner during the day.

I actually like the warmer temperatures, but that is not the main reason that I choose not to use the air conditioner during the day. The only reason that I don’t use the air conditioner during the day is due to the fact that I need to save money. I am living on a very tight budget. If I want to make sure that I am not going into debt during even the most minor emergency, then I have to find a way to cut costs. One of the ways that I have learned to save money is to not use a central air conditioner. I have a central air conditioner, but I don’t turn it on. I know that it can get hot in my house during the day, but by using the fan, I can be decently comfortable. Sure, it isn’t the best way to live, but I cannot afford to use my central air conditioner all of the time, so it really isn’t a hard choice anyway. I wouldn’t use the air conditioner at night either if it were possible. However, ever since I have been a kid, I have had trouble sleeping without the air conditioner. I will toss and turn all night without the air conditioner. I have found that by using an air conditioner and a weighted blanket, I sleep well. If I sleep well, then I can work hard and earn money. By using my air conditioner at night, I am a lot more productive during the day, and that is important.


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