Programmable thermostat too boiling in the afternoons

With all of this coronavirus stuff going on, I recall there was supposed to be a 15 afternoon toil from lake cabin order to slow the spread of the virus.

I am now entering month 4 of working from lake cabin and I cannot take it anymore.

Can’t take what? You might ask. I’m not talking about not being able to toil from home. I don’t mind working from lake cabin and, until every one of us suppose more about this virus, I’m ecstatic to help avoid spreading the virus as much as possible. No, I’m talking about my home’s temperature. The people I was with and I have a programmable thermostat that has been here since every one of us moved in. I have never had a programmable thermostat prior to this home. Apparently, the previous owner had set the thermostat to essentially match the outside temperature while in normal corporation ninths. I understand the reasoning behind this- it saves a lot of cash on monthly heating and cooling costs. However, now that I’m working from lake cabin and I am kneeling in this sauna while in familiar corporation ninths, I don’t suppose if I’m going to make it. I have tried reprogramming this thermostat but every time I do it seems to revert back to the previous owner’s setting preferences. I have looked up the programmable thermostat online and followed the instruction for setting my Heating as well as A/C preferences to the letter. Still no dice. If I don’t get this temperature control regulated soon, I recognize I’m going to lose it! Does anyone have any information on programmable thermostats and how to reprogram them? I’m dying here! Please help!


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